Hunter Killer Official Trailer – Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Common

At the end of Hunter Killer, Captain Glass makes the bold move to trust Russian Captain Andropov and together they help avoid the beginning of World War III. Directed by Jonathan Marsh and based on the novel by Don Keith and George Wallace, Hunter Killer is a 2018 movie featuring performances from Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Common, Linda Cardellini, Toby Stephens, and more.

When a United States submarine is mysteriously destroyed in the ocean near Russia, the United States military and the NSA send Captain Glass (Geard Butler) and a Hunter-Killer submarine, the USS Arkansas to discover what happened. It turns out the Russian Admiral Dmitriy Durov (Michael Gor) staged a coup and kidnapped the Russian President Zakarin (Alexander Diachenko) and attacked their own submarine in the process. The United States military leaders and President begin preparing for war, but Glass is determined to stop the war before it happens, teaming up with Russian submarine captain Andropov (Michael Nyqvist) to extract the president and stop the coup.

Hunter Killer is not based on a true story, although it is based on the novel Firing Point (not to be confused with Tom Clancy’s book by the same name) by Don Keith and George Wallace. Wallace was in the Navy and served on a nuclear submarine, which largely influenced the stories of his novels, all of which are about submarines and submariners. Hunter Killer follows mostly the same story as Firing Point, although it slims down a much more complicated plot from the book, including completely cutting a side-plot about Russian hackers manipulating the US stock market during Durov’s coup.

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