I wanted this to be good as well. I could not find an over the top action scene which I planned to be the best part of the trailer. Fortunately there are rumors that the 11th film will have half the budget so this suggest that the franchise is going old school, which is doing simple action. This was good thing so it was no longer necessary to find an over the top car action scene.
I focused on advancing the story. I begin act 1 with the perspective of Brian. I show him entering his humble home and saying “Hey honey I’m home”. By adding Mia in the scene and breaking the news to him about Dom being in trouble.
Then I make Hobbs call him to ask him for his help. Then perfect opportunity to show Brian driving his car from the first film Lancer. Act 2 we get it in Letty’s perspective. This time getting a call from Brian “I just heard about the news with this Dante Reyes guy. Hobbs told me Dom and the family almost didn’t make it. They are safe now. They need our help.” This was the best part of the trailer to make it more realistic since this was a deleted scene from Furious 7. The best editing part of the trailer was making Brian hop on the back of Dante’s car. Overall the trailer turns out to be another masterpiece despite not having any over the top action scenes.