Moana: Live Action
The first trailer for Disney’s highly anticipated “Moana: Live Action” brings the beloved animated story to life with stunning visuals, a star-studded cast, and a renewed sense of adventure. Starring Dwayne Johnson reprising his role as Maui and Zendaya as the live-action Moana, the trailer teases a beautiful retelling of the Polynesian tale, blending breathtaking landscapes, thrilling oceanic adventures, and the heartwarming connection between Moana and her culture.
The trailer opens with a sweeping aerial view of the lush, tropical island of Motunui, bathed in golden sunlight. The waves crash against the shore, setting the tone for the ocean’s central role in the story. Moana (Zendaya) is seen as a young girl, listening intently to her grandmother’s (played by a notable actress) stories about the ocean and the demigod Maui.
Cut to Maui (Dwayne Johnson), larger-than-life with his magical tattoos and shape-shifting abilities. The trailer introduces him with a humorous and action-packed scene, much like the animated version. “What can I say except you’re welcome!” he grins, his charm and bravado intact, as he performs his famous haka-style dance. Maui’s animated tattoos come to life in vivid detail, interacting with him as he prepares to join Moana on her mission.