ðŽA Bronx Tale (1993)
Set in the Bronx, the film follows the life of Calogero “C” Anello, a young boy growing up in an Italian-American neighborhood. Calogero’s life is shaped by the contrasting influences of his father, Lorenzo (played by Robert De Niro), and a local mob boss, Sonny (Chazz Palminteri). The story begins when Calogero witnesses a murder committed by Sonny but is hesitant to report it to the police, creating a bond between the two that will profoundly impact Calogero’s development. As Calogero grows older, he faces the challenge of reconciling the world of crime and power that Sonny represents with the honest, hardworking values instilled in him by his father.
Set in the Bronx, the film follows the life of Calogero “C” Anello, a young boy growing up in an Italian-American neighborhood. Calogero’s life is shaped by the contrasting influences of his father, Lorenzo (played by Robert De Niro), and a local mob boss, Sonny (Chazz Palminteri). The story begins when Calogero witnesses a murder committed by Sonny but is hesitant to report it to the police, creating a bond between the two that will profoundly impact Calogero’s development. As Calogero grows older, he faces the challenge of reconciling the world of crime and power that Sonny represents with the honest, hardworking values instilled in him by his father.
Set in the Bronx, the film follows the life of Calogero “C” Anello, a young boy growing up in an Italian-American neighborhood. Calogero’s life is shaped by the contrasting influences of his father, Lorenzo (played by Robert De Niro), and a local mob boss, Sonny (Chazz Palminteri). The story begins when Calogero witnesses a murder committed by Sonny but is hesitant to report it to the police, creating a bond between the two that will profoundly impact Calogero’s development. As Calogero grows older, he faces the challenge of reconciling the world of crime and power that Sonny represents with the honest, hardworking values instilled in him by his father.