SLEEPING DOGS – Official Trailer 2 (2024)
Sleeping Dogs (2024) follows the gripping story of Frank Bell, a former detective whose life has unraveled due to a scandal that cost him his badge and family. Living a reclusive life, Frank is reluctantly pulled back into the world of crime when a cold case resurfaces—one he thought was long buried. A brutal murder from years ago, with no clear answers, has come back to haunt him.
Now, Frank is forced to confront his past mistakes and work alongside his former partner, who’s equally haunted by the ghosts of their shared history. As they dig deeper, they uncover a conspiracy that reaches into the highest levels of power. Loyalties are tested, secrets unravel, and Frank must decide whether to betray those closest to him to uncover the truth or let sleeping dogs lie.
This thriller promises intense action, emotional depth, and a suspenseful narrative filled with unexpected twists. As Frank navigates a world where trust is scarce, the line between justice and revenge blurs, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.