DaemonRunner (2017)

DaemonRunner (2017) is a high-stakes supernatural thriller that blends action and dark fantasy, following a team of rogue operatives tasked with battling malevolent demonic forces. The story centers on Joanna Creed, a skilled yet jaded exorcist-turned-vigilante, who leads a clandestine group known as the “DaemonRunners.” Their mission is to locate and neutralize entities that have crossed into the human realm, wreaking havoc and possessing unsuspecting victims.

When a powerful and ancient demon begins orchestrating a surge of possessions across the city, Joanna and her team are thrust into their most dangerous assignment yet. As they race against time to uncover the demon’s plans, they encounter a series of increasingly violent and complex exorcisms that push their skills and faith to the limit. Along the way, the team grapples with their own inner demons, including guilt, loss, and the moral ambiguity of their work.

As the stakes rise, Joanna discovers that the demon’s ultimate goal is tied to her own dark past—a past she has long tried to forget. With the line between hunter and hunted blurring, she must confront her deepest fears and the choices that have led her to this moment. The climactic showdown forces Joanna to question her purpose, her sacrifices, and the true cost of her mission.

DaemonRunner delivers intense action, eerie supernatural elements, and a layered narrative about redemption and resilience. With its fast-paced storytelling and a haunting atmosphere, the film explores themes of morality, faith, and the relentless fight against inner and outer darkness.
