In Wrath of Man, a mysterious and stoic man known only as “H” takes on a job at a high-security cash truck company that moves millions of dollars around Los Angeles. His new coworkers, initially skeptical of his quiet demeanor, soon witness his astonishing skills in handling dangerous situations, particularly when the armored truck comes under attack from organized criminal crews.

situations, particularly when the armored truck comes under attack from organized criminal crews.
As H ruthlessly and efficiently takes down the attackers, it becomes clear that heโ€™s no ordinary guard. Beneath his cold exterior lies a deadly motiveโ€”H is on a personal mission of vengeance. The further he delves into the criminal underworld, the more secrets about his past are revealed: his son was killed in a botched robbery, and H has been hunting those responsible ever since.

Driven by a relentless desire for justice, H will stop at nothing to track down the people behind the robbery, tearing through layers of crime syndicates and uncovering a complex web of betrayal and conspiracy. Each step brings him closer to the truth, but also deeper into a world where trust is a luxury and revenge has a steep price.

Wrath of Man is a gritty, intense action-thriller filled with high-octane shootouts, tense standoffs, and brutal hand-to-hand combat. As Hโ€™s path of destruction cuts through the criminal world, the lines between hero and villain blur in this relentless tale of justice served cold.