Logan (2017)
Set in a bleak, near-future world, Logan presents a raw and emotionally charged farewell to one of Marvel’s most iconic heroes. Wolverine, once the indestructible and unrelenting mutant, is now a broken man. Living in isolation along the Mexican border, Logan spends his days as a limousine driver, trying to escape the shadows of his violent past. His healing abilities are fading, and the once-mighty hero is a shadow of himself.
Caring for an ailing Professor X, whose mind is now a ticking time bomb due to his uncontrollable telepathic powers, Logan is forced back into action when a young mutant named Laura enters his life. Laura, a mysterious girl with powers strikingly similar to his own, is on the run from a sinister organization called Transigen. They’ve been experimenting on mutant children, turning them into weapons, and now they’re hunting her relentlessly.
What follows is a brutal, desperate journey as Logan, Laura, and Professor X embark on a road trip to seek Eden, a rumored safe haven for mutants. Along the way, Logan grapples with his past, his responsibilities, and the realization that Laura is the key to his legacy.
Logan is a gripping, heart-wrenching tale of redemption and sacrifice. Stripped of flashy superhero tropes, it delves into themes of mortality, fatherhood, and the enduring fight for hope. With visceral action and an unforgettable emotional core, the film is a poignant swan song for Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, leaving fans moved and awestruck.