Megantic (2023)
Megantic plunges viewers into the quiet yet volatile heart of a small industrial town on the brink of disaster. The story follows Ava, a determined environmental scientist who returns to her hometown of Megantic after years away, only to uncover a chilling truth. The local factory, once the lifeblood of the community, is harboring a dark secret—a series of cover-ups tied to hazardous materials leaking into the land and water, putting countless lives at risk.
As Ava begins to dig deeper, she finds herself at odds with the factory’s powerful owners and even some of the townspeople, who see her efforts as a threat to their livelihoods. Amid mounting tension, strange occurrences start to ripple through the town: unexplained illnesses, unnatural wildlife behavior, and whispers of something far more sinister beneath the surface.
When an unprecedented explosion rocks the factory, the entire town is thrust into chaos. Ava must navigate a dangerous web of corporate greed, personal betrayal, and environmental collapse to uncover the truth and stop a catastrophe that could destroy Megantic forever.
With its mix of gripping suspense and emotional depth, Megantic is a high-stakes thriller that asks haunting questions about humanity’s impact on nature—and the cost of turning a blind eye.