Mickey’s Slayhouse (2025)

“Mickey’s Slayhouse” is a dark comedy and horror film that blends humor with chilling elements, exploring the bizarre world of a quirky haunted house attraction run by the eccentric Mickey. Located on the outskirts of a small town, the Slayhouse promises thrills and scares that draw in thrill-seeking visitors. However, as the attraction gains popularity, strange and sinister occurrences begin to unfold.

The story follows a group of friends who decide to visit Mickey’s Slayhouse during a Halloween weekend. As they navigate through the elaborate and terrifying rooms filled with supernatural beings and twisted surprises, they quickly realize that the line between reality and the attraction’s horror blur in unexpected ways. Each of them confronts their own fears and insecurities while unraveling the dark secrets of Mickey and the true origins of the Slayhouse. The film’s blend of humor and horror keeps viewers engaged, allowing for moments of levity amid the spine-tingling suspense.