Operation Fortune (2023)

The story follows Orson Fortune (Jason Statham), a top-tier operative with a knack for outsmarting his enemies and a penchant for luxury. Fortune is recruited by a covert agency to stop a billionaire arms dealer, Greg Simmonds (Hugh Grant), from selling a dangerous new technology capable of destabilizing the global order. The device, known as “The Handle,” has the potential to wreak havoc in the wrong hands, and it’s up to Fortune and his team to retrieve it.

Fortune is joined by a crack team of specialists, including the tech-savvy and sardonic Sarah Fidel (Aubrey Plaza), who brings razor-sharp wit to every situation, and the reliable yet unpredictable J.J. Davies (Bugzy Malone), who handles combat with finesse. To infiltrate Simmonds’ world, the team enlists Hollywood megastar Danny Francesco (Josh Hartnett), whose fame provides an unexpected key to gaining Simmonds’ trust. What ensues is a globe-trotting mission filled with deception, extravagant parties, and explosive action. From high-speed chases in sun-drenched European locales to intricate heists and daring escapes, the film keeps the adrenaline pumping while maintaining Guy Ritchie’s signature blend of humor and charm.