Moana 2
Moana 2: Beyond the Horizon (2026) is the long-awaited sequel to Disneyβs beloved animated classic Moana (2016). Directed by the creative team behind the original film, this new chapter takes audiences on an epic adventure across uncharted seas and into the heart of Polynesian mythology.
After restoring Te Fiti and bringing life back to her island, Moana (Auli’i Cravalho) has become the leader her people need, guiding them in their journey as wayfinders. But when the ocean begins to act strangely and ancient legends resurface, Moana feels a calling from beyond the horizon.
Teaming up once again with Maui (Dwayne Johnson), the demigod of the wind and sea, and her ever-loyal ocean companion, Moana sets sail on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind a mysterious new force threatening her world. Along the way, she discovers hidden realms, encounters new allies and foes, and learns that her destiny is more intertwined with the ocean than she ever imagined.
Moana 2: Beyond the Horizon delivers stunning animation, heartfelt storytelling, and unforgettable music, blending Disney magic with the rich cultural heritage of Polynesia. Itβs a celebration of courage, self-discovery, and the unbreakable bond between humanity and nature.