The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die
The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die (2023) is a historical drama film based on the critically acclaimed series The Last Kingdom, inspired by Bernard Cornwell’s The Saxon Stories. Directed by Edward Bazalgette, the film delivers an epic conclusion to the saga of Uhtred of Bebbanburg (Alexander Dreymon).
Set in 10th-century England, the story follows Uhtred as he navigates the aftermath of King Edward’s death, which leaves the kingdom in chaos. With rival factions vying for power and alliances fractured, Uhtred finds himself caught in a struggle that could determine the fate of England.
A prophecy warns that seven kings must die for the land to unite, placing Uhtred in a dangerous and morally complex position. Torn between loyalty to his people, his oath to Edward’s son Aethelstan (Harry Gilby), and his own quest for peace, Uhtred must make a fateful decision that could seal his legacy—or destroy it.
The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die delivers breathtaking battles, emotional depth, and a compelling story of honor, betrayal, and redemption. With stunning cinematography and powerful performances, the film is a triumphant conclusion to Uhtred’s legendary journey.