The Fix (2024)


The Fix (2024) is a gripping crime thriller that dives into the murky world of high-stakes corruption and betrayal. The film follows Alex Monroe, a disillusioned ex-cop turned private investigator, as he’s pulled back into the game by an old friend, Detective Sarah Price. Sarah is investigating a series of unsolved murders that seem to be connected to a powerful underground syndicate.

Alex reluctantly agrees to help, but as they dig deeper, they uncover a vast conspiracy involving corrupt officials, dirty cops, and a dangerous criminal mastermind known only as “The Fixer.” This shadowy figure controls the city’s crime network, manipulating events to maintain power and eliminate threats. As Alex and Sarah close in, they realize they are not only up against ruthless criminals but also battling their own inner demons and trust issues.

The stakes rise when Alex’s estranged daughter becomes a target, forcing him to confront his past mistakes and fight to protect what little family he has left. With time running out, the duo must outwit “The Fixer” in a deadly game of cat and mouse, where every move could be their last.

Featuring intense action, clever twists, and a morally complex storyline, The Fix explores themes of redemption, loyalty, and the high cost of justice in a world where everyone has something to hide.