Landman (2024)
“Landman” follows the gripping story of John Wilkins, a seasoned landman in the heart of Texas’s oil and gas industry. Faced with personal and ethical dilemmas, John navigates the treacherous landscape of land acquisition, corporate greed, and environmental consequences. When he stumbles upon a hidden oil reserve that holds the potential to change everything, he must confront the moral implications of exploiting this resource against the backdrop of a community wrestling with the impact of drilling on their land and livelihood.
As tensions rise between the oil companies, local residents, and environmental activists, John is torn between his professional ambitions and a growing sense of responsibility towards the land and its people. The film explores themes of greed, responsibility, and the quest for redemption as John must ultimately decide where his loyalty lies. With strong performances and a thought-provoking narrative, “Landman” reveals the complexities of modern landownership and the struggles between human interests and natureβs preservation, all set against the backdrop of the rugged Texan landscape.