Hidden (2015)


Hidden plunges viewers into a tense, claustrophobic world where survival comes at a chilling cost.Set in the aftermath of a devastating viral outbreak, the story follows the lives of Ray, Claire, and their young daughter, Zoe, who have spent 301 days hiding in an underground fallout shelter. Isolated from the outside world, their only link to what remains is their memory of the life they once knew—and the terror of the “Breathers,” a mysterious threat that roams the surface.

The bunker, though safe, begins to feel like a prison as tensions rise and supplies dwindle. Zoe’s innocence offers a fragile hope, but cracks in the family’s unity begin to show as their fear of discovery escalates. Their routine of staying silent and out of sight is shattered when a small mistake—Zoe’s cherished doll catching fire—draws the attention of the Breathers.

With their haven compromised, the family is forced to face the horrors lurking above ground. But as they emerge, the truth of the world they left behind—and the true identity of the Breathers—comes to light in a shocking twist that upends everything they believed about their reality.

Hidden masterfully combines psychological tension with edge-of-your-seat thrills, layering the intimate dynamics of a family in crisis with the paranoia of an unseen menace. As secrets unravel and desperation mounts, the film keeps viewers guessing, delivering a haunting exploration of fear, survival, and the lengths one will go to protect those they love.