Rango 2

Rango 2 (2026) picks up years after the events of the first film, with Rango (voiced by Johnny Depp) now a seasoned sheriff of the thriving town of Dirt. The story revolves around a new threat to the town’s water supply, as a mysterious villain, known only as “The Viper,” emerges to take control of the desert’s most precious resource.

Rango must rally his old friends and a few new allies, including a cunning female iguana named Sierra, to protect the town and uncover the villain’s true motives. The film explores themes of leadership, sacrifice, and the cost of heroism, as Rango faces his toughest challenge yet. The production budget for Rango 2 is estimated at $150 million, with much of it allocated to advanced animation techniques and a star-studded voice cast. The film’s visuals are more stunning than ever, with detailed desert landscapes and dynamic action sequences. Early projections suggest the film will gross between $800 million and $1 billion globally, making it one of the most successful animated films of the year. . With its mix of humor, action, and heartfelt moments, Rango 2 is set to captivate audiences and solidify its place as a worthy sequel to the beloved original.