Kraven the Hunter (2024)
Kraven the Hunter (2024) is a gripping action-packed film that delves into the origins of one of Marvel’s most iconic antiheroes, Sergei Kravinoff, also known as Kraven. Directed by J.C. Chandor and produced by Sony Pictures as part of their Spider-Man Universe, this movie offers a darker, more grounded take on a character who has long been a formidable adversary in Spider-Man’s rogues’ gallery.
The story follows Sergei Kravinoff (played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson), a skilled hunter and survivalist with an intense connection to nature. Born into a family with a legacy of strength and dominance, Sergei grows up under the shadow of his ruthless father (portrayed by Russell Crowe). After being exposed to mysterious forces during an expedition, Sergei gains heightened abilities that make him stronger, faster, and deadlier than any human alive. However, these powers come at a cost—his humanity begins to waver as he becomes consumed by his primal instincts.