Werewolves (2024) is a dramatic action horror film, revolving around a catastrophic event after the light of the supermoon activates a sleeping gene, turning humans into bloodthirsty predatory wolves, causing nearly a billion deaths. A year later, when the supermoon rises again, the old nightmare recurs.
The story begins when two scientists (played by Liam Hemsworth and Emma Roberts) try to stop this dangerous mutation, but fail. With the number of werewolves increasing and the threat getting closer, they must find a way to survive in a world that is falling into chaos. They decide to go to a family home to find safety, but their journey is not easy when bloodthirsty creatures are still chasing them every step.
Werewolves is not only a challenging action movie but also a battle for survival against the nightmares created by humans. Breathtaking action scenes, escalating tension and life-and-death situations not only test physical strength but also a dangerous battle of wits.
With the participation of a quality cast such as Liam Hemsworth, Emma Roberts and Idris Elba, Werewolves (2024) promises to be a must-see for those who love horror and survival action movies.