Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

Captain America: Brave New World (2025) begins with a sense of unease as Sam Wilson, portrayed by Anthony Mackie, steps into his new role as Captain America in a world struggling to find its balance. The trailer opens with Sam on a covert mission, uncovering a dangerous conspiracy that threatens global stability. With the shield in his hands and the legacy of Steve Rogers behind him, Sam must face not only external threats but also doubts from those who question whether he can truly carry the mantle.

The pace quickens as scenes of intense action unfold: Sam soaring through the skies in his new upgraded suit, hand-to-hand combat against a mysterious masked enemy, and explosive confrontations in urban streets and distant war zones. Alongside him is an unexpected ally, played by Harrison Ford, reprising his role as Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, whose agenda may not align with Sam’s vision for a better world. Their uneasy alliance is tested as a greater threat emerges, one that seeks to reshape the global order.

A gripping voiceover hints at the shadowy organization’s intentions to exploit political turmoil and manipulate superhuman abilities for their own ends. As Sam digs deeper, he uncovers a dangerous web of secrets, including the resurgence of an old enemy thought to be defeated. With stakes higher than ever, Sam must rally allies and inspire hope while proving himself worthy of the Captain America title.
The latter half of the trailer showcases thrilling sequences: Sam leading a daring rescue, confronting moral dilemmas in a world of grey areas, and wielding the shield in ways that push the limits of heroism. The final scene reveals Sam standing on the brink of an impending conflict, knowing that the choices he makes will define the future of the world and the legacy of Captain America.