Melissa (2025)


In Melissa (2025), Angelina Jolie delivers a powerhouse performance as a retired undercover agent whose past refuses to stay buried. Once a legend in international intelligence, Melissa has left behind the life of danger, embracing anonymity in a quiet existence under a new identity. But peace is fleeting when a ruthless criminal syndicate uncovers her secret and targets her daughter.

Forced back into the shadows, Melissa embarks on a relentless mission, navigating a web of betrayals, high-stakes conspiracies, and ghosts of her past. With the clock ticking and enemies closing in, she must outmaneuver a deadly network of assassins, rekindle old alliances, and unleash the lethal skills that made her a legend. As the battle intensifies, Melissa is left with one goal—protect her daughter at any cost and bring down the organization that dares to threaten her family.

Blending electrifying action with emotional depth, Melissa promises a pulse-pounding cinematic experience, where vengeance is personal and survival is the only option.